When Mum got ill

George was 12 years old when his mum became unwell and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2016. He had just started secondary school in 2015. Now as a 16 year old he reflects on this time.

What was your mum like before she got ill?

She was like any normal mum, she used to be really sporty and active and would always play with me. If I wanted to try something or needed help with something then she would just do it without any persuasion just because she wanted to give me the best that she could. She used to help do First Aid for my rugby team too.

What was she like when she became ill?

She was tired all the time. She got angry quickly which was not normal for my mum. She didn't play with me so much because she had to look after herself more, which, as an only child made me feel quite lonely at times. She had to focus on trying to cope with work, with teaching. I used to get angry with some of her students for making her feel stressed and ill when they argued and messed about because then I wouldn't have the mum that I was used to and wanted to have.

How did it make you feel?

When she started collapsing she had to come home from work a few times and I wasn't really being told what was going on but I felt worried. Then one day I remember I was upstairs and I heard a thud so I came downstairs and saw my mum passed out on the floor, at the time I didn't know if she was dead or alive and as an 11 year old that was something that I don't think anyone should feel. We got her up and took her to hospital where we waited for 8 hours in the majors ward where I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know if my mum was dying, I didn't know if she'd be coming home with us, I didn't even know if she would remember her own son's face. After 8 hours the doctors told us that there was "nothing wrong" and discharged us.

And when she was like this regularly I felt like I had lost my mum.

What key things made you notice she was getting better?

She started being happier and coming back to what she used to be like. She was joining in more again with things at home and with stuff I was doing. Before she started feeling ill she really enjoyed running and got quite down at the thought that she might never be able to do it again but now that she is managing it she has been going out, occasionally, for runs.

What changes or differences has it made to what you do now?

I help around the house more to help mum out and I think I'm more considerate towards her because I know she can't just do it all by herself. I know she is more capable and energetic now but sometimes she gets tired and I remember what it was like when she was really ill so I help out. I help her try to maintain her healthy diet by sometimes making food with her or trying new things she has made but I'm still a teenager and find it difficult to always give her the help that she needs. I know that Salus helped mum a lot with helping her realise she wasn't on her own and that there was help out there. She took on board loads of their tips and advice and I think that's what helped her get so much better.


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