Rhythms and patterns

Previously as a secondary school teacher of PE and French my life would be full of routine, patterns, rhythms. The rules of language, the rhythm of sounds, the patterns and tactics in games and sports, the daily, weekly monthly, termly annual routine.  I would know exactly who would be sitting where in which room on the first week in September and the last day of term in summer. And since starting school aged 4 this had been my routine, my pattern, my structure. Someone else's timetable. For 40 years I followed that pattern more or less.
Currently with working for a charity and working from home it is now me who puts my patterns and rhythms into my day. It's not easy is it? What time should you wake up? Is it OK to chat to other members of your family while 'at work', what do you do for lunch? How do you manage the umpteen video calls? But it is possible to find some really lovely moments when maybe you hear birds in your garden, when your husband pops out of his 'office' to say hello, your son asks if he can sit with you while you work, you have a cup of tea just the way you like it.
I have been able to put washing out on the line, I am around if it rains, it smells lovely, I mindfully peg it out being grateful for my little patch of green. I can hear my neighbours little children laughing in their garden. There are lovely things around us.I am grateful to have the chance to stop, look, listen. This is my day, my rhythms.


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